Causes of biodiversity loss pdf

Impacts of deforestation on the loss of biodiversity zambrut. Biodiversity types of biodiversity, importance and causes of. Causes these are the situations or factors that have led to the problem. It requires careful planning and strategies that will keep our commitments under the convention on biological diversity alive. Human population growth the geometric increase in human population is the fundamental cause for the loss of biodiversity loss in ghana. The chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis was identified in amphibian populations about 20 years ago and has. By far, the primary cause of biodiversity loss is habitat destruction resulting from landuse change. Once a species is reduced to a remnant, its ability to benefit humanity ordinarily declines greatly, and its total extinction in the relatively near future becomes much more likely. In fact, most of the reasons why the number of species has declined today can be attributed to humans. Thus, the conversion of areas with high biodiversity such as rainforests and peat lands to the production of biomass results in the loss. This article throws light on the ten major causes for the loss of biodiversity, i. Tropical rainforest deforestation hosts half of all global biodiversity direct cause of biodiversity loss due to theassociated loss of natural habitat. Biodiversity, or the variety of all living things on our planet, has been declining at an alarming rate in recent years, mainly due to human activities, such as land use changes, pollution and climate change. Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term that refers to the number of genes, species, individual organisms within a given species, and biological communities within a defined geographic area, ranging from the smallest ecosystem to.

Biodiversity types of biodiversity, importance and causes. Natural causes of biodiversity loss destruction of habitat. Rapid spread of disease is a hazard in our interconnected world. Causes of the loss of biodiversity the main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the worlds ecosystem, in fact human beings have deeply altered the environment, and have modified the territory, exploiting the species directly. Includes bibliographical references pages 378389 and index an emerging consensus on biodiversity loss a framework for analysing biodiversity loss ten case studies. However, if a loss in biodiversity leads to decrease in biomass of feed, farmers will no longer be able to raise enough cattle due to the feed shortage.

There are several causes of biodiversity loss, one of the most common being the destruction of the natural habitats of some organisms due to human activities. Activities such as over hunting, over fishing, over mining, and excessive logging have greatly reduced biodiversity levels. Some of the main causes for loss in biodiversity are alteration of habitats, increasing levels of pollution and human population growth. The loss of biodiversity causes severe adverse effects on our whole environmental system, including humanity. Isbn 9789533077079, pdf isbn 9789535144014, published 20111116. Ghana has updated and reformulated the national biodiversity strategy and action plan nbsap with the view to mainstreaming biodiversity in national development and protecting and conserving our valuable biological resources in all the ecological zones. Biodiversity and human health, launched today in brussels at green week 2015, europes biggest annual conference on environmental policy, focuses on the complex and multifaceted connections between biodiversity and human health, and how the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity loss, also called loss of biodiversity, a decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or earth as a whole. Impacts of deforestation on the loss of biodiversity.

Ghana has updated and reformulated the national biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity impacts human health brusselsmontreal, 4 june 2015 healthy communities rely on wellfunctioning ecosystems. Competition for light causes plant biodiversity loss after. Biodiversity population matters every choice counts. Although there is ample theoretical evidence of the economic and social causes of biodiversity loss, empirical evidence for most of these relationships is fragmented, meager or nonexistent. Using experimental grassland plant communities, we found that addition of light to the grassland understory prevented the loss of biodiversity caused by.

A habitat is the place where a plant or animal naturally lives. Study on understanding the causes of biodiversity loss and. Why is biodiversity important and reasons for loss of. Abstract deforestation has been in the center of most world discussions as the major cause of climate change and environmental as well as atmospheric challenges which has adverse consequence on human settlement as well as plant and animal natural habitat. Human population growth the geometric increase in human population is the fundamental cause for the loss of biodiversity loss in. There are measures that are being taken worldwide to prevent loss of biodiversity. Mar 07, 2015 the loss of biodiversity is expected in most scenario studies to continue at an increasing pace in the coming decades. However, the data and methods implicating the disease chytridiomycosis in 501 amphibian species declines are deficient. Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. Societal responses to the loss of biodiversity also involve tradeoffs,and the elaboration of these will be essential in developing wiser environmentalethics and policy. Habitat loss and d e s t r u c t i o n this is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. Past chair, intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services ipbes added 05282019 at 10. Abstract deforestation has been in the center of most world discussions as the major cause of climate change. Day vice chairman, national science board, president, san diego state university.

Loss of biodiversity is an environmental issue that is causing a lot of global concern. Posted in biology ppt, ecology, ecology ppt, environmental science and tagged biodiversity destruction ppt, causes of biodiversity degradation ppt, ecology ppt, loss of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity. Biodiversity change is most clearly a consequence of the direct drivers. They provide clean air, fresh water, medicines and food security. This loss of biodiversity reportedly poses as serious, and urgent, a threat to humans as climate change but it has been less discussed. The loss of genetically distinct populations within species is, at the moment, at least as important a problem as the loss of entire species. The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the worlds ecosystem, in fact human beings have deeply altered the environment, and have modified the territory, exploiting the species directly, for example by fishing and hunting, changing the biogeochemical cycles and transferring species from one area to. The 8 main causes of biodiversity loss life persona. Habitat loss is directly linked to human induced pressures on land.

Biodiversity loss can also have a direct effect on zoonotic disease transmission. Good chairman, national science board, senior vice president, technology, alliedsignal, inc. The loss of diversity causes and consequences biodiversity. Mainstreaming biodiversity into our developmental efforts should not be by default. The loss of biodiversity is dangerous and its consequences are immediate. Case studies on forest ecosystems and biodiversity loss 151 7. The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the worlds ecosystem, in fact human beings have deeply altered the. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. This includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems article 1 cbd1. Habitat loss is identified as main threat to 85% of all. However, the data and methods implicating the disease. Comment on amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic. This can be due to reduced crop yields or other effects. We report here that disturbed mangrove area showed a loss of 20% of benthic biodiversity, with the local extinction of four phyla cladocera, kynorincha, priapulida, tanaidacea, a loss of 80% of.

Understanding the causes of biodiversity loss and the policy assessment framework 5 6. Biodiversity loss is the extinction of species plant or animal worldwide, and also the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat. Deforestation, agriculture, construction of roads and dams, mining, fishing and. The diversity of societies, cultures and languages that has developed throughout human history is intimately related to biodiversity and its use. Biodiversity loss list of high impact articles ppts. The exploitation of the natural resources to the point of diminishing returns has significantly given rise to biodiversity loss. The main causes of the loss of biological diversity include habitat loss or degradation, pollution, alien invasive species, overharvesting of biodiversity resources, climate change, and. Causes of biodiversity loss with particular reference to ghana.

Biodiversity, the diversity of life on earth, is essential to the healthy functioning of ecosystems. Some causes and consequences of the loss of biodiversity. The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the worlds ecosystem, in fact human beings have deeply altered the environment, and have modified the. Causes, effects and control strategies sumit chakravarty 1, s. Designing policies to conserve biodiversity can be a daunting task due to both the complexity of the causes of biodiversity loss and the lack of financial and political capacity needed to address. Why do you think this has been the case and, given. Interdisciplinarity, scale, and linkages 8 general frameworks 14 global. Read about biodiversity conservation, the importance of biodiversity, loss of biodiversity and more. Posted in biology ppt, ecology, ecology ppt, environmental science and tagged biodiversity destruction ppt, causes of biodiversity degradation ppt, ecology ppt, loss of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity ppt. The causes of biodiversity loss are discussed below. For instance, excessive fishing has reduced onethird of all fish species, and some are on. Plant or structural diversity and habitat complexity can influence the composition, abundance, and distribution. Which species are affected, and how many, remains a critical unanswered question.

However, these reflect changes in indirect driversthe root causes of changes in ecosystems. At the present time, data on the rates and direction of biodiversity loss remain sparse and often uncertain. Biodiversity loss is a development issue a rapid reiew of eidence 4. The loss of biodiversity also causes a decline in the livelihood of many locals. Dig deeper to consider the causes of causesthe multiple layers of factors that contribute to a problem. In grasslands, this eutrophication causes loss of plant species diversity, but the mechanism of this loss has been difficult to determine.

The latter phenomenon can be temporary or permanent, depending on whether the environmental degradation that leads to the loss is reversible through ecological restoration ecological resilience or. Ziser lecture notes, 2006 5 major human causes of species loss 1. Habitat loss and overexploitation, driven by our rapid population growth, are the primary causes of biodiversity loss. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use. Human activities have increased the availability of nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the causes of biodiversity loss and the policy assessment framework 37. Causes, consequences and ethics of biodiversity nature. Biodiversity loss is a development issue biodiversity isnt just iconic and charismatic wildlife, it is the diversity of life. Huntingharvesting affects 60% of endangered species esp birds and mammals eg. It is therefore crucial to take the steps necessary in order to prevent a loss in biodiversity. Biodiversity loss is as big a crisis as climate change.

Landuse change, however, occurs over a variety of spatial scales, making it difficult to. Impact of mangrove forests degradation on biodiversity and. These can be classified into the following broad categories. Jun 11, 20 causes of biodiversity lossaccording to most sources, the major directcauses of humaninduced biodiversity lossare1.

Case studies on marine ecosystems and biodiversity loss 127 6. Introduction 1 proximate causes of biodiversity loss 2 rationale 3 root causes 5 ii. When exploring the root causes of a problem, ask yourself why does this problem exist. Important biological causes for the loss of biological. The paper focuses on raising awareness that biodiversity loss is a development challenge, hence we devote more space to setting out the evidence for this than. The main cause of the loss of biodiversity can be attributed to the influence of human beings on the worlds ecosystem fishing and hunting, changing the biogeochemical cycles, fish stocks are dwindling, forest loss is resulting in the loss. Obvious examples include volcanic eruptions, floods and fire. Biodiversity is a community of all the living organisms on the earth and the diversity among them from all the ecosystems.