Rpm spec source patch

How to rebuild andor patch a rpm package syscookbook. Source files must begin with source0, do not use source. How to patch and rebuild an rpm package brad the mad. Since i do these things every now and then, i tend to forget stuff easily and it takes me a while to get back into it. Under normal operation, rpm builds both binary and source packages. Listed below are the directories with a description of what they contain. In the above example, fileutils has a patch for 64 bit machines.

Add support for %patchlist and %sourcelist spec sections. Despite the focus on fedora, you can apply much of this document to other rpmbased distributions. You can also package the source code into a separate source rpm how to build an rpm chris negus 3. Rpm permits patches to be processed when building binary packages. The spec file should contain all the commands needed to build the application or library you want to. This is necessary for those cases where the software being packaged requires more than one patch. Use mock to create a source rpm, passing the spec kernel. No functional changes here, but needed for the next step.

Now when you build the package if youve properly included the patch information in the spec file, the rpm will be created with whatever changes you made to the source code as specified in the patch. First, we might want to preserve the exact source of a nameversionrelease of rpm that we deployed to our environment that included the exact spec file, the source code, and all relevant patches. Fix rpm ql outputing several copies of file lists on multiple arguments. Oct 20, 2000 the source rpm package contains the source files and. Building a custom kernelsource rpm fedora project wiki. Build your own syslogng rpm from patched git sources on. In source packages, you have the pristine sources along with any patches that were used, plus complete build instructions. Blog build your own syslogng rpm from patched git sources on rhel centos 7. Like the %setup macro, the %patch directive applies a patch to the sources. Rcently i packaged the software scponly for enteprise linux using rpmbuild and stumbled upon an error message. You can also package the source code into a separate source rpm. An srpm contains source code, optionally patches to it, and a spec file, which describes how to build the source code into a binary rpm. Place the patch file into the usrsrcrpmsources directory and edit the header of your.

Rpmspecfile perl extension for creating rpm specfiles. Previously one had to manually specify each patch to be applied, eg. In my organization, we deploy all our software to our production machines using rpm. Then youd have to add the patch into rpmbuildsources, and then hook it into the. Then rebuild the package on the platform that it does build on. Im not on a fedora machine atm, so i havent tested, but. With rpm, you have the pristine sources along with patches that we used to.

Enter the name of the first patch to apply to the source code. Srpms and binary rpms share the file format and tooling, but have different contents and serve different purposes. The specs directory is where the specfile included with an srpm will be placed. When the user installs the source rpm, the installation process extracts the source code components into sources and the spec file into specs. The spec file is tailored for each package and contains the recipe for building the package. Sources is for source tarballs, patches, and additional files, which are. Integrate source code patches into rpm packages cstan. If you must patch the files after you extract them. Contribute to pldlinuxrpm development by creating an account on github. Anyway i was trying to build lxc example earlier today and i wanted to patch the lxcoracle template. This patch contains instructions for building a kernel from the source rpm. Get the source code you are building the rpm for to build on your system. Building centos7 customer kernel from a source rpm created with a customnamed kernel.

Now all we need to do, in this case of improving ktron, is to modify the spec file and then rebuild the package. It does not attempt to give a full description of rpm spec file syntax. Apr 20, 2015 working with source rpms if you intend to rebuild or modify a source rpm, it is strongly recommended that you install the yumutils and rpm build packages which contains many useful tools for working with yum and rpms. The source rpm package contains the source files and. On rpm based systems centos, red hat enterprise linux, oracle linux, and many more source rpms are rpm files that contain a tarball of source code, patches, auxiliary files that are used during the build process, and a. The rpm package manager rpm is a package management system that runs on red hat enterprise linux, centos, and fedora. Building rpm packages with rpmbuild, koji, and gitlabci. Third, modify or create a spec file describing how to start with the original archive and one or more patch files and build either a binary rpm package file that can be installed, or a source rpm package file containing the original code plus your modifications and the spec file, or both source and binary rpm files. Sep 19, 2016 this patch contains instructions for building a kernel from the source rpm. How to create and use patch files for rpm packages bob cromwell. If a patch is not needed, proceed to configure kernel options. A source rpm captures the source code and patches as they were at rpm build time. While reading this section of the tutorial it may be useful to look at that spec file for your reference.

In addition, make addsource available within librpmbuild. Our build process which is automated involves checking out the source from version control, tarring that source directory up, then running rpmbuild using that source tarball. The recipe for creating an rpm package is a spec file. Welcome to the first part article on how to build rpm packages. Also, macro definitions are generally put at the top of the preamble. There are various topics in the world of rpm spec files that are considered advanced because they have implications on not only the spec file, how the package is built, but also on the end machine that the resulting rpm is installed upon. Therefore, its acceptable to use a uniform resource locator url on a patch line, too.

One to indicate that there is a new patch file and another in the %setup section to apply the patch. Erp plm business process management ehs management supply chain management ecommerce quality management cmms. The spec file building and modifying source rpms informit. Inside the spec file in this chapter, were going to cover the spec file in detail.

You can just build the rpm with the percona server source tarball and the patch file. Use the rpmbuild command to turn your spec file and content into the rpm package for distribution. For example, the name of the spec file for ed is ed0. This section describes the basic structure of an rpm spec file and how that applies to rpm specfile. How do i download the source code of a package so that i. This document will guide you on how to rebuild a source rpm srpm package on your centos distribution. The package manager used by fedora, red hat enterprise linux, mageia, opensuse and others. Here i will walk you through how to build a rpm package and how to work with the tools you will need. Rpm spec files are divided into the following sections. The spec file for a package is located in the specs directory and needs to have a filename consisting of the name of the package, the version number, and the extension. Follow steps to create a centos7 custom kernel, create a patch and create a custom version of kernel.

Spec files mixing numberless patchsource syntax with patchsource number 0 will not work anymore. How to manually build percona server for mysql rpm. A patch is source code that updates other source code. Originally rpm stood for red hat package manager but now it is a recursive acronym rpm package manager.

In this case, rpm will allow you to apply that patch to just one architecture only. Obviously, this should only be applied on the alpha at the moment. Or, if starting from source code and patches only, you create the spec file by hand and then use it to build the binary and source rpm files. Mar 18, 2018 i sometimes try to build an rpm from source to patch something or try a patch. Even if the software is not available in centos, you should always try to get or build a rpm for the software, since the advantages of using a. Aug 26, 2019 the spec file is the recipe that tells rpm the tool how to create the rpm the archive using the sources contained in the source rpmall the information that rpm the tool needs to build rpms the archives are contained in spec files. I sometimes try to build an rpm from source to patch something or try a patch. A plain text file that contains information about a package and instructions that rpm uses for compiling the packages software. The spec file is the recipe that tells rpm the tool how to create the rpm the archive using the sources contained in the source rpmall the information that rpm the tool needs to build rpms the archives are contained in spec files. Build rpm using source directory, not tarball server fault. Before we actually build a source rpm, lets quickly address why we would want to do this. The patch tags identify any patches used to modify the sources. In most cases, we only require the package source code and a spec file. Make a patch of any changes you had to make to the sources to get them to build properly.

This results in a binary rpm and a source rpm in the rpms and srpms subdirectories, respectively. The %patch macro, which is used to apply patches to the original sources. Make sure you have installed all dependencies contents. Makes it possible to feed patch and source names directly to addsource using autonumbering without looking at an existing spec patch n or source n line. The first part of the spec should contain macros definitions, as illustrated below. Now add the patch as another source in your rpm spec file and call the patch algorithm during the preparations. Notice in the gtkglarea spec file below source0 there is the line patch0. The numbers correspond to the numbers following the patch. Multiple packages can be built from a single rpm spec file, if desired. The patches are bundled along with the original, unmodified sources in the source package. The u is for the right patch format, the n includes new files, the r is for recursive. Stack overflow for teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Add support for %patchlist and %sourcelist spec sections by. You should be able to build the binary rpm from the source rpm just built using the.

This section describes the basic structure of an rpm spec file and how that applies to rpmspecfile. The only packages not here are the rocknsmspecific packages. Automating patch application in specs %autosetup description. There are a number of different types of entries that comprise a spec file, and every one will be documented here. These are the spec files and related patches, etc used for rocknsm dependencies that are not included in the upstream os or epel. Compressed source archives and any patches should go here, this is where the rpmbuild command will look for them. One of the reasons why you may want to do this is to install a software package that is not available in centos repositories. The source and patch tags identify the source files used to build the binary package. Rpm makes it easier for you to distribute, manage, and update software that you create for red hat enterprise linux, centos, and fedora.

Building an rpm can be accomplished using the rpmbuild utility. Rpm processes patch tags the same way it does source tags. Third, modify or create a spec file describing how to start with the original archive and one or more patch files and build either a binary rpm package file that can be installed, or a source rpm package file containing the original code plus your modifications and the. If you do not want to use your own fork in github, you can also create. In rpm terms, building the package is split into four steps. The spec file describes the source and patch files, how to build the package and how to install the package. Despite the focus on fedora, you can apply much of this document to other rpm based distributions. The first part of the spec should contains macros definitions, as illustrated below. This step is for applying a patch to the kernel source.

I dont think we can support building with a different specfile name. This results in a binary rpm and a source rpm in the. A binary rpm contains the binaries built from the sources and patches. Move redirect2null from posix to rpm extension but posix still works for compatibility removed features api changes added apis.